渥太华北京 Ottawa Beijing

标题: 加拿大总理特鲁多发表春节(华人新年)贺词 [打印本页]

作者: sys    时间: 2022-2-1 14:01
标题: 加拿大总理特鲁多发表春节(华人新年)贺词
本帖最后由 sys 于 2024-3-23 22:09 编辑



“春节是回顾过往一年的挑战及成功,以乐观、喜悦和希望憧憬未来的时候。传统上,家人和朋友们将欢聚一堂,以团圆饭、烟花爆竹和传统的舞狮等喜庆迎新。虽然今年的庆祝活动方式将再一次有所不同,我们依然在继续遵循公共卫生指引以确保每个人的安全,但我们所有人都可以从虎年所象征的勇敢、坚韧和力量中找到灵感。自 COVID-19 疫情大流行开始以来,这些价值观一直在引领加拿大人度过这段艰难时期,而且我知道,虎年的这些品性将继续激励我们前行的历程。



“新年快乐! Xīn Nián Kuài Lè! Sun Nin Fai Lok!”

The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on Chinese New Year, also known as the Spring Festival:

“Today, Chinese communities in Canada and around the world will celebrate the start of the Spring Festival and welcome the Year of the Tiger.

“Chinese New Year is a time to reflect on the challenges and successes of the past year and look to the future with optimism, joy, and hope. Traditionally, families and friends come together to celebrate new beginnings with family meals, fireworks, and the traditional lion dance. While festivities will look different again this year, as we continue to follow public health guidelines to ensure everyone’s safety, we can all find inspiration in the bravery, resilience, and strength the tiger symbolizes. Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, these are values that have guided Canadians through difficult times, and I know they will keep inspiring us as we move forward.

“The Spring Festival is also an opportunity for all of us to recognize the many contributions that Canadians of Chinese descent have made – and continue to make – to our country, and to learn more about their rich cultures, customs, and traditions. Canada’s diversity is our strength, and together we will continue to build a better, fairer, and more inclusive country.

“On behalf of our family, Sophie and I wish health, happiness, and good fortune to everyone celebrating the Year of the Tiger.

“新年快樂! Xīn Nián Kuài Lè! Sun Nin Fai Lok!”

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